2013 new year

Happy New Year!

New year means new beginnings, new opportunities and the ability to move forward. I am finally 18. Moving from the phrase of teenager to young adult means more responsibilities and becoming more independent.

I have to say 2012 wasn’t exactly a good year for me. Bad things happen and I was bitter about certain things. Being unable to move on. But in the midst of all these, I learnt certain things from it and how to be more careful in dealing with people. I was so hurt that I felt like closing myself off to the world. Thank God 2013 arrived.

New year means I can move on with strength and faith. Let the past be past and I shall just continue on to be a more independent person. I am not exactly independent, i feel that to achieve full independence.
First you must learn how to believe in yourself and follow your convictions.
Second you must take care of yourself and carry yourself well.
Thirdly you must learn how to do housework and cooking.

These are the three things I think I must have to call myself independent. I am definitely lacking in there. All these are the goals that I am working towards to.

Although I am the youngest among my peers but I am the eldest among my siblings. I have 4 and going to have 5 young siblings. What more with my complicated family background, it is even more important for me to stay mature and responsible.
I find this a burden sometimes and I want to have older siblings who can guide me. I have to figure lots of things by myself and solve problems by myself.
I wonder why God gave me so many siblings and I realise that they are all precious gifts. When I feel lonely, they are there. Being with them teaches me that life is simple if I want it to be.

Right now I am super busy with projects. I just can’t wait for it to be over. Exams are at the end of the month and following that will be IPP. One step at a time.

This year I hope to do more meaningful stuff, catching up with friends and getting closer to God.
I have been distant from him since 2011. Mostly because I am looking out for my self interests. I make this a goal, a goal that stays with me till I die. Because without Him, I am nothing.
I am also kind of thinking of volunteering for social work stuff. Partly to boost up my résumé since I got no CCA.

This year I won’t let people opinions affect my self esteem levels anymore.
After all my life is decided by my decisions and values. 🙂
May I post more posts of thanksgiving this year 🙂